What Can Bowen Therapy Be Used For?
Bowen Therapy addresses a wide range of conditions because it’s stimulating the body to heal itself! Our body wants to be in a balanced state, and the stimulus that is given through Bowen therapy helps the body achieve it.
Some of the most common conditions that I use Bowen Therapy to help clients with:
SIJ dysfunction
General stiffness
tightness in upper back and shoulder area
tension and pain in lower back
Musculo-skeletal problems
Bursitis of the hip
Pelvic muscle discomfort
abnormal gait
Painful knees from walking stairs
Plantar Fasciitis
heel spurs
shin splints
Stiff ankles
Calf tightness
tight hamstrings
Stiff and aching shoulders
Shoulder injuries
Tennis and golfer’s elbow
Aching wrists from overuse
Bicep problems
Tension and other type of headaches
tight neck muscles
constantly recurring neck issues
Jaw problems
TMJ dysfunction
sinus issues
To aid in lymphatic drainage after infections
Relaxes the diaphragm to make breathing more effortless
abdominal discomfort
sluggish elimination
Bladder problems
Irregular periods. Anyone from teens to mature women
Painful periods
Infertility in some cases (depending on the cause)
Menopause symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats, etc.
A common condition in children that is difficult for the child, particularly with school camps and kid’s sleepovers.
Calms the baby, so they sleep better and feel better, resulting in a happier family
Colic symptoms
Calms the nervous system
improves sleep
The sooner injuries are treated with Bowen Therapy the better. Long standing injuries can be treated too but may take longer to resolve and depends on the type and severity of the injury.